License Inspector
Nicholas Ellis
101 Church Street
P.O. Box 987
Selma, AL 36702
Phone: 334-877-4801
Fax: 334-877-4802
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
State/County Business Licenses
State/County business licenses are valid for one fiscal year October 1st through September 30th. Business Licenses must be renewed by November 1st to avoid penalties and interest charges.
Licenses are issued in accordance with The Code of Alabama, 1975, Title 40, Chapter 12.
Most licenses must be obtained in the county where the business is located. However, some business types are exempt and are not required to be licensed by the State/County. A determination of exemption may be made by the Business License Section of the Probate Office. You may research license requirements by accessing the Business License Handbook.
Restaurant, Delicatessen, & Other Food Concession or Establishments
Certain businesses dealing with food and beverages must obtain a Health Department Inspection Certificate before a license may be obtained.
Dallas County Health Department
100 Sam O. Moseley Drive
Selma, Alabama 36701
Phone: (334) 872-5887
Fax: (334) 875-7960
ABC Control Board Central Office
213 Depot Street
Camden, AL 36726
Phone: (334) 682-2080
ABC Enforcement Central Office
2765-A Gunter Park Drive West
Montgomery, AL 36109
Phone: (334) 213-6300
Fax: (334) 213-6322
Persons or businesses performing contractor work, both general contractors and sub-contractors, should contact the State of Alabama Homebuilders Licensure Board for additional licensing requirements.
Information on City Business Licenses
Businesses that are located in the City of Selma or conduct business inside the city limits or police jurisdiction should contact the City Business License Department for city licensing information.
City of Selma
222 Broad Street
P.O. Box 450
Selma, AL 36702-0450
(334) 874-2112
#City of Selma Business License - New Licenses & Renewals